You may have wondered if it could possibly be worth it to pay every time someone clicks a link to your website. For some businesses it isn't worthwhile, but for others it is.
Every time you visit Google or one of the other Search Engines, when you enter a key phrase into the search bar, and click 'search', (depending on what you're searching for), the majority of results immediately visible are likely to be adverts (Google's term for this type of marketing is 'Adwords'). That means if you click the link from Google (or wherever), the company whose website you then visit will be charged by Google (or other Search Engine). There are companies that spend literally millions on 'pay per click'; if it wasn't worth their while, they wouldn't do it!
Having said that, it is not worthwhile for lots of companies. It depends on your business sector, the type of customer you're wanting to attract, how competitive your sector is, whether customers for your product or service prefer to deal with a local company, and countless other variables. If 'pay per click' is something you're contemplating, give us a call first, without obligation, to avoid possibly wasting lots of your hard-earned money.
Even if Adwords could be worthwhile for your company, it's absolutely essential that it's set up correctly, or you will waste a huge amount of money.
To avoid costly mistakes, and to ensure, if it's worthwhile, you get the most from Adwords (and other Search Engine 'pay per click'), contact us today.